Micro E-Mini Futures Contract Specifications

May 15, 2020

All times of day referenced here and elsewhere in this document are Chicago time.

Micro E-mini S&P 500 Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 Micro E-mini Russell 2000 Micro E-mini Dow
Contract Size $5 x S&P 500 Index $2 x Nasdaq-100 Index $5 x Russell 2000 Index $0.50 x DJIA Index
Trading and Clearing Hours CME Globex and ClearPort: 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Sunday-Friday, with trading halt from 3:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Minimum Price FluctuationPrices are quoted and traded in Index points.

Outright: 0.25 Index points, equal to $1.25 per contract.

Calendar spread: 0.05 Index points, equal to $0.25 per calendar spread.

Outright: 0.25 Index points, equal to $0.50 per contract.

Calendar spread: 0.05 Index points, equal to $0.10 per calendar spread.

Outright: 0.10 Index points, equal to $0.50 per contract.

Calendar spread: 0.05 Index points, equal to $0.25 per calendar spread.

Outright: 1.00 Index points, equal to $0.50 per contract.

Calendar spread: 1.00 Index points, equal to $0.50 per calendar spread.

Product Code CME Globex: MES
CME ClearPort: MES
Clearing: MES
CME Globex: MNQ
CME ClearPort: MNQ
Clearing: MNQ
CME Globex: M2K
CME ClearPort: M2K
Clearing: M2K
CME Globex: MYM
CME ClearPort: MYM
Clearing: MYM
Contract Months Five months in the March Quarterly Cycle (March, June, September, December) Four months in the March Quarterly Cycle (March, June, September, December)
Delivery Delivery is by cash settlement by reference to Final Settlement Price, equal to Special Opening Quotation of Index based on opening prices of Index component stocks.
Termination of Trading Last Day of Trading is 3rd Friday of contract delivery month.
Trading in expiring futures terminates at 8:30 a.m. CT on Last Day of Trading.
Price Limits

For each Futures Product for a given delivery month –
Price limits for a given Business Day are set by reference to Fixing Price made by Exchange on previous Business Day, equal to volume weighted average price calculated on basis of futures trading activity between 2:59:30 p.m. and 3:00:00 p.m. CT.

Interval Price Limits
5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. CT 5% above Fixing Price to 5% below Fixing Price
8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CT Sequential circuit breaker limits at 7%, 13%, and 20% below Fixing Price
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT $5% above Fixing Price to 5% below Fixing Price, provided there is no breach of current day’s circuit breaker limit at 20% below Fixing Price
Position Limits Pending
Block Trade Eligibility No
Exchange Rule These contracts are listed with and subject to the rules and regulations of CME. These contracts are listed
with and subject to the rules and regulations of CBOT

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